unity3d模型 城市公园场景环境路灯喷泉楼梯健身装饰道具游戏素材
| 店庆满减 活动日期: 2018-06-13 15:17 -- 2019-06-17 23:59 -
1 单笔订单满 20 ,立减6 ; -
2 单笔订单满 40 ,立减14 ; -

全店满减 |  | 热卖宝贝 |
| |  | Unity3D人物角色模型 卡通女孩持等带动作动画 U3D游戏资源素材 | RMB (咨询特价) |
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| |  | unity3d模型 卡通ARPG角色扮演类 完整项目源码 U3D游戏资源素材 | RMB (咨询特价) |
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| |  | unity3d特效 卡通炸技能各色特效粒子 U3D游戏模型素材资源文件 | RMB (咨询特价) |
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| | | |  | Unity3D模型 即时战略类游戏开发完整项目源码 U3D场景资源包素材 | RMB (咨询特价) |
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| |  | unity3d模型 科幻塔防类游戏武器防御塔炮塔炮台 U3D游戏资源素材 | RMB (咨询特价) |
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| |  | unity3d模型 FPS射击游戏军事环境营地建筑场景物件 游戏素材资源 | RMB (咨询特价) |
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自动发货,亲放心购买! 24小时可以拍,店主在时邮件自动发百度云下载地址至亲的邮件窗口!店主不在线或者夜间睡觉时,购买时备注邮箱地址自动发到邮箱内,或者请到 http://picimg.lshou.com/pic/拍下请留邮箱,会自动将资料发到你邮箱下载!/@7Fbmua 自助提取
版本要求:Unity3D 5.3.4 +
The City Park Exterior Props package contains assets required for set dressing a park environment, as well as 2 demo scenes utilizing most of the assets in the package.
Note: Not optimized for mobile!
156 Models (fbx)
173 Prefabs
9 Environmental Particle Effect Prefabs
242 Tiling Textures (1k)
37 Mask Textures
375 Custom Asset Textures (Mostly 2k)
1 Water Shader
1 Skydome
2 Demo Scenes (Day,Night)
Package Prefabs:
1 Ashtray
3 Barrier Spheres
2 Basketball Courts
1 Basketball Hoop
1 Bell
24 Benches
3 Bike Racks
2 Boats
1 Bridge
1 Cement Fence Post
2 City Park Signs
4 Cement Pillars
2 Cement Stairs
1 Disposal Bins
3 Docks
3 Drinking fountains
4 Fences
1 Fountain Area Circles
3 Garbage Bins
1 Garden Island Set
1 Garden Liner Set
1 Light Ray
1 Monkey Bars
1 Grill
4 Pathway Sets
1 Pavilion
1 Payphone
1 Picnic Table
1 Pillar Dome
1 Playground Container
2 Shelters
2 Slides
1 Recycling Bin
1 Seesaw
1 Small Round Cement Base
1 Spinning Wheel
5 Street Lights
1 Sunbathing chair
1 Swing Set
3 Water Fountains
1 Water Fountain Center Design
1 Water Pump